Agri’s got Talent is a social upliftment project
giving talented farm, pack house and cellar workers in the fruit and wine industries the opportunity to develop their singing talent.

Voice & stage


Life skills
The winner receives a cash prize and the opportunity to perform at agricultural events.

Phil Bowes,
South Africa Wine
‘’We are encouraged by the inclusive access which the new digital format afforded Agri’s Got Talent audiences in 2020. Despite the lockdown restrictions and the devastation they have brought to our employee communities, Vinpro has resolved to maintain the same level of sponsorship for the virtual Agri’s Got Talent competition this year as we afforded through the Vinpro Foundation last year. Well done to the Agri’s Got Talent team for your persistence with the programme.’’

Anton Rabe,
“The Agri’s got Talent project gives fruit and wine industry workers a platform to showcase their musical gifts, while developing skills with which they can make a difference in their communities. The competition is an example of the multi-dimensional nature of agriculture and rural communities as a whole and the contribution that this sector can make to unlock the potential of this country.”

Frieda van der Heever,
Onafhanklike sangafrigter
“Ek was uit die staanspoor ongelooflik opgewonde oor hierdie projek. Nie net dat ek kan deel wees daarvan nie, maar dat dit wel bestaan en gebeur! En nie sommerso showtjie is wat aanmekaar gesit word sodat iemand kon sê, ‘Ek het my deel gedoen vir die landbou en sy mense’ nie, maar ‘n properse gala aand waarop al die deelnemers en organiseerders kan trots wees. Voorwaar ‘n hoogtepunt op my jaarkalender!”